By Philips Featuring Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD and Yi Xia, Philips | April, 2024 | 27:03 min
[00:48] ∙ Noninvasive imaging of lymphatic physiology [07:17] ∙ Cancer-related leg lymphedema [12:34] ∙ What is the disease Lipedema? [21.30] ∙ Q&A
Join this webinar with Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, to tap into the potential of multinuclear imaging as she shares her research and results on the development of noninvasive imaging of lymphatic physiology with sodium MRI to aid diagnosis and understanding of lymphedema and lipedema.
“Sodium MRI can be performed in clinically-feasible scantimes at 3.0T MRI (<30 minutes total)”
Assistant Professor,
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Assistant Professor,
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Business Marketing Manager, Clinical & Key Customer Relationships, Philips
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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