The industry-leading service you've come to expect from Philips is fueled by advanced technologies that empower our customers to manage their operations easily, quickly, and effectively. Whether you are looking to connect with a Philips service representative, to manage your installed base, to initiate a service request, to look up a document, to get training on a newly installed product, to access analytics data, to acquire a spare part or any number of other tasks, we have built a portfolio of solutions to help.
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ContinueTīmekļa vietne ir paredzēta tikai personām, kuras izmanto medicīniskās ierīces kā profesionāļi, tostarp personām, kas praktizē medicīnas profesijās, personām, kas darbojas veselības aprūpes iestāžu labā vai organizācijām, kas tirgo medicīnas ierīces kā profesionāļi.
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