See how Saint-Joseph Hospital & Marie-Lannelongue Hospital are partnering to improve care for cancer patients.
We believe the future of precision cancer care lies in providing clinicians with best-in-class, interoperable systems, hardware and software, including expanded access to AI, to enable more efficient, consistent and high-quality diagnoses. By delivering the right information at the right time to clinicians across the care pathway, our digital pathology solution is key to revolutionizing cancer diagnosis and treatment pathways for clinicians and the patients they serve.
Dr Ilya Gipp,
Medical Officer–Oncology, Philips
Dr Gipp presented his views on the digitization of pathology at PathVisions 2022. He discussed the steps toward connected care and precision medicine, as well as the use of AI.
Dr Charlotte Orndal, MD
Unilabs Pathology, Sweden
Dr. Orndal discusses how to successfully leave the microscope behind in the transformation to digital pathology, and the impact on lab processes, diagnostic workflows and the mindset of the pathologist.
Dr Teemu Tolonen, MD, PhD
Fimlab Laboratories, Finland
Dr. Teemu Tolonen discusses the initial experience of going fully digital in a multicenter pathology environment, including workflow changes, College of American Pathologists (CAP) validation and the quality of highly compressed images.
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