Black Blood: Elevating the confidence in detection of metastases

By Philips Featuring Dr. Jayesh Rajendra, Dhanesh Paikkathil, Kim van de Ven, Ika Draude | October 2024 | 42:24 min



Magnetic Resonance

Black Blood imaging webinar

Webinar highlights - Total duration [42:24]

[00:58] ∙ Introduction to Philips Black Blood Imaging – Kim van de Ven

[08.55] ∙ Case reviews Black Blood Imaging vs conventional – Dr. Jayesh Rajendra and Dhanesh Paikkathil
[26:29]  Q&A moderated by Ika Draude

Join this webinar with Dr. Jayesh Rajendra (Burjeel Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE) as he explores some of his best-in class Black Blood clinical cases and shows how this technique elevates his confidence in detecting metastases in the brain. Black Blood imaging helps you better differentiate the vessel lumen from the intra lumen blood signal. Enhance your diagnostic confidence by performing your 3D brain imaging with higher and isotropic imaging resolution¹ with a reduction of the intra-lumen brain blood signal² over the complete imaging volume.

“So it helps it boost my confidence in detecting these smaller lesions with the help of this black blood sequence.”

Dr. Jayesh Rajendra

Radiology Specialist,
Burjeel Medical City,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Speakers list

Image of Dr. Jayesh Rajendra

Dr. Jayesh Rajendra

Radiology Specialist,
Burjeel Medical City,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Image of Dhanesh Paikkathil

Dhanesh Paikkathil

Clinical Applications Specialist,
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Image of Kim van de Ven

Kim van de Ven

Clinical Science Lead,


Best, Netherlands

Image of Ika Draude

Ika Draude

IB CLV Marketing Manager Imaging Europe,


Best, Netherlands

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[1] Compared to our 2D double inversion methods with same brain coverage and scan time.
[2] Compared to our 3D T1w scan without MSDE pre-pulse.

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