Philips Spectral CT 7500 offers you spectral results 100% of the time. Now it’s easy to make each and every scan work harder for you, helping guide the way to the precision diagnosis that is so critical to your patients. Spectral CT 7500 is detector-based spectral CT, which means you get the performance you require in terms of image quality, dose and workflow. Technology, advanced tools and support combine to help you get the most from the spectral experience.
Generator power |
Slices |
Coverage |
Rotation speed |
Maximum scannable range (axial) |
Bore size |
Conventional reconstruction speed |
Spectral temporal resolution |
kVp stations |
Spectral reconstruction speed* |
Generator power |
Slices |
Generator power |
Slices |
Coverage |
Rotation speed |
Maximum scannable range (axial) |
Bore size |
Conventional reconstruction speed |
Spectral temporal resolution |
kVp stations |
Spectral reconstruction speed* |
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