dS MSK M 1.5T

MR coil

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SmartWorkflow for MSK applications is powered by the dS MSK M (dStream MSK Medium) Breeze coil. It delivers efficient workflow and high throughput through a lightweight coil design and ease of positioning for MSK and other applications. dS MSK M can be used alone or in combination with MSK S to scan a wide range of anatomies (shoulder, knee, wrist, foot and ankle), from adult to pediatric. Moreover, MSK exams with the dS MSK M coil can be performed while the dS NeuroSpine coils are still present on the table, connected and actively decoupled or it can be combined with dS NeuroSpine coil for performing HeadNeck examinations or imaging smaller organs like prostate in combination with posterior coil. Feet first exams for most MSK studies are supported with the dS MSK M coil.


Specifications- dStream Coils
Specifications- dStream Coils
  • 23 cm
  • 0.98 kg
Dimension (Length x Width x Height)
  • 56 cm * 26 cm * 3 cm
Main Applications
  • Knee, foot, ankle, long bones, wrist, shoulder, pediatric, neuro, vascular
Specifications- dStream Coils
Specifications- dStream Coils
  • 23 cm
  • 0.98 kg
See all specifications
Specifications- dStream Coils
Specifications- dStream Coils
  • 23 cm
  • 0.98 kg
Dimension (Length x Width x Height)
  • 56 cm * 26 cm * 3 cm
Main Applications
  • Knee, foot, ankle, long bones, wrist, shoulder, pediatric, neuro, vascular

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