What’s the secret to a great healthcare partnership that evolves and extends in value? It often comes down to shared purpose and a willingness to collaborate. Discover the path to partnership to see how we partnered with Mackenzie Health in Canada to make a real difference to healthcare operations.
A people powered approach to operations
Discover how the personal relationships and behaviours at MacKenzie Health have been as key to success as the latest technology.
Why this is just the start of a new way of thinking and working that can be used by other hospitals.
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ContinueTīmekļa vietne ir paredzēta tikai personām, kuras izmanto medicīniskās ierīces kā profesionāļi, tostarp personām, kas praktizē medicīnas profesijās, personām, kas darbojas veselības aprūpes iestāžu labā vai organizācijām, kas tirgo medicīnas ierīces kā profesionāļi.
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