The MobileDiagnost wDR mobile radiography system offers outstanding workflow, brilliant image quality and the full efficiency of Philips’ premium digital radiography all packed into a simple, secure and flexible mobile X-ray system.
Type |
Dimensions (l x w x h) |
Wheel base length |
Motorization |
Focal point distance from floor |
Focal point distance from column |
Tube column rotation |
Batteries |
Power for charging |
Type |
housing |
detector sizes |
active area |
image matrix size |
detector pixels |
image resolution |
pixel size |
weight (incl. battery) |
maximum load |
Type |
detector sizes |
image matrix size |
image resolution |
weight (incl. battery) |
housing |
active area |
detector pixels |
pixel size |
maximum load |
Monitor |
Generator control integrated into graphical user interface |
Image storage |
Power: high frequency |
mA range |
Exposure times |
Focal spot (small/large) |
Tube voltage in steps of 1kV |
mAs range |
Anode heat storage capability |
Power: high frequency |
mA range |
Exposure times |
Focal spot (small/large) |
Tube voltage in steps of 1kV |
mAs range |
Anode heat storage capability |
Type |
Dimensions (l x w x h) |
Type |
housing |
Type |
Dimensions (l x w x h) |
Wheel base length |
Motorization |
Focal point distance from floor |
Focal point distance from column |
Tube column rotation |
Batteries |
Power for charging |
Type |
housing |
detector sizes |
active area |
image matrix size |
detector pixels |
image resolution |
pixel size |
weight (incl. battery) |
maximum load |
Type |
detector sizes |
image matrix size |
image resolution |
weight (incl. battery) |
housing |
active area |
detector pixels |
pixel size |
maximum load |
Monitor |
Generator control integrated into graphical user interface |
Image storage |
Power: high frequency |
mA range |
Exposure times |
Focal spot (small/large) |
Tube voltage in steps of 1kV |
mAs range |
Anode heat storage capability |
Power: high frequency |
mA range |
Exposure times |
Focal spot (small/large) |
Tube voltage in steps of 1kV |
mAs range |
Anode heat storage capability |
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