The dual tuned head coil from RAPID Biomedical allow you to perform brain exams, including acquisition of proton and other nuclei (31P, 13C, 23Na), without switching coils, in routine scan times. A full brain study, including both proton (1H) and sodium (23Na) imaging can be completed in 30 minutes, all organized in one ExamCard, using the same dual tuned head coil. A Sodium (23Na) brain scan can be completed in less than 15 minutes. Workflow does not differ from proton imaging. Multi-nuclei imaging and spectroscopy can be run and reconstructed directly from the standard user interface. The ExamCard interface immediately recognizes the dual tuned head coil. And the nucleus is just a scan parameter like any other sequence parameter. Viewing of multi-nuclei images and spectra, as well as sending data to PACS, is fully integrated. Combined with our multi-nuclei specialist package, the dual tuned head coil allows to explore new imaging pathways by integrating multi-nuclei studies in your day-to-day workflow.
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