Live 3D TEE Transducer: On the EPIQ 7, iE33 xMATRIX and CX50 xMATRIX systems, the X7-2t transducer combines xMATRIX array and PureWave crystal technologies in a fully functional TEE probe for exceptional 2D and Live 3D Echo performance during transesophageal exams and interventional procedures. 2D and 3D matrix array. 7 to 2 MHz extended operating frequency range. 2D, color flow, PW Doppler, CW Doppler, M-mode, Live xPlane imaging, Live 3D Echo, Live 3D zoom, advanced XRES, triggered full volume, triggered 3D color. Harmonic imaging. Dynamic elevational focusing. Electrocautery suppression. Electronic rotatable array from 0 to 180 degrees. TEE applications for patients >30 kg/66 lb 2D TEE Transducer: On the EPIQ 5, CX50 and Sparq systems, the X7-2t transducer combines xMATRIX and PureWave crystal technologies in a TEE probe for remarkable 2D transesophageal imaging performance. 2D matrix array. 7 to 2 MHz extended operating frequency range. 2D, color flow, PW Doppler, CW Doppler, M-mode, advanced XRES. Harmonic imaging. Dynamic elevational focusing. Electrocautery suppression. Electronic rotatable array from 0 to 180 degrees. TEE applications for patients >30 kg/66. An optional transducer adapter is available for purchase that enables the CX50 and Sparq X7-2t transducer to be used in both 2D and 3D modes on an iE33 system.
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