CT Calcium Automated Analysis

Supports reporting coronary calcium extent on chest CT scans​

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Designed to assist physicians in reporting incidental findings of coronary artery calcium. ​ The application identifies calcium in the coronary arteries on non-gated, non-contrast adult chest CT scans(1). Results includes the degree of coronary calcification (none, mild, moderate or severe), key images of the segmented findings and patient management recommendations according to the clinical guidelines CAC-DRS(2).

  • Currently not available in the USA (1) Supports data with normal noise (does not support high noise data).​ (2) Hecht HS et al. CAC-DRS: Coronary Artery Calcium Data and Reporting System. An expert consensus document of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT). J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2018 May-Jun;12(3):185-191.

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