What is an AED?
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What is an AED?


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    What is an AED?


    An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device that checks a person’s heart and delivers an electric shock if it has stopped beating normally. If a person suddenly collapses, they may be suffering from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and SCA is serious. It means that the person’s heart has stopped pumping blood and they need help fast.

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    The most important element in the treatment of SCA is to provide a rapid shock to their heart called defibrillation. An automated external defibrillator (AED) helps ordinary people to provide defibrillation quickly.

    How do I use an AED?


    When you observe someone suffering from a suspected SCA, you need to act quickly. Philips AEDs come equipped with integrated SMART Pads. Just place the SMART Pads on the person’s bare skin and the pads will provide feedback to the AED so calm, step-by-step voice instructions can guide you through the entire process of using the AED.

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    Pull the green handle to activate the AED

    Philips HeartStart AEDs arrive with the Adult SMART Pads cartridge and battery already installed and is positioned inside the carry case with a spare SMART Pads cartridge in place. Just pull the green handle to activate your OnSite defibrillator.

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    It guides you through every step

    When you pull the green handle to activate the AED, voice instructions will guide you through the entire process – from placing each pad on the patient to performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and delivering a defibrillation shock.*1

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    The OnSite delivers fast shock therapy

    Patented Quick Shock typically administers a shock just eight seconds after CPR, making the OnSite among the fastest in its class at delivering shock treatment after CPR. Studies show that minimizing time to shock after CPR may improve survival. *2-5

    Everything you need to know about using AEDs

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    When do you need to use an AED?


    Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. If this happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA usually causes death if it's not treated within minutes by an AED.

    When do you need to use an aed?


    SCA is not the same as a heart attack. A heart attack occurs if blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. During a heart attack, the heart usually doesn't suddenly stop beating. SCA, however, may happen after or during recovery from a heart attack.


    You don't need to remember this distinctions as when the Philips AED instructs you to put the pads on the victim, it will sense the heart rhythm and determine the best steps to take, giving you guidance all along the way.

    Learn about why Philips is the leader in AEDs and what AED to buy

    Why philips is the leader in aeds?

    Why Philips is the leader in AEDs


    More Philips AEDs are sold than any other brand. They are used in schools, businesses, airports, sport stadiums and governments around the world. Learn more about why ordinary people choose Philips AEDs

    aeds for workplaces and communities

    AEDs for Workplaces and Communities


    Designed for the ordinary person in the extraordinary moment, HeartStart AEDs are ready to act and ready to go. It allows anyone with little to no training to treat the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest.

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